CMTI's Vision of Flight Workshop
Atlanta, Georgia, March 7, 2016 -- Creative Management Technology Inc. (CMTI), is happy to announce that the "Vision Of Flight Planning Workshop", an event held at the CMTI Atlanta Service Center to introduce the "Vision of Flight Youth Awareness Program" coming to Atlanta in the spring of 2017, was well-received by community, business leaders, city and state representatives, as well as several parents and hopeful student VOF program attendees.
Vision of Flight (VOF) is an insightful program, providing an innovative aerospace educational experience for young people, that includes private aircraft flight training at local airfields. The program, founded and managed by Michael McKenzie, has received incredible recognition for its ability to ignite interest in aerospace and aviation industry careers as well as S.T.E.M. learning.
"It was great to see such great support from the community. We were thrilled with the turn out for the workshop. Several key City of Atlanta officials, a state representative and one of Delta Airlines most senior African American pilots attended, as well as many interested business owners/managers, parents and their children." says Trox Austell, CEO of CMTI.
The informal "Open House", held on December 16th from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, provided demonstrations and displays that included Radio Controlled Aircraft, Air Traffic Control Simulators, First-person Drone Piloting, as well as Pilot simulators. While participants were not able to fly an actual aircraft at this workshop event, the attendees were thrilled to take part in the simulators, and talk to several pilots and aviation experts. Adults and children alike took turns navigating the controls of the various simulators, and sharing their virtual flight experiences over the provided light lunch provide by CMTI.
"We were happy to see the participants fully engaged in the demonstrations, simulators, and in conversation with the attending professionals. The event sparked a wave of enthusiasm within the community for the VOF event to be held in the spring of 2017, and are looking forward with great anticipation to this inaugural event" says Trox Austell, CEO of CMTI.
The Vision of Flight Youth Awareness Program engages students in a classroom based curriculum in industry and career orientation, and enhanced skills development. Other program elements include Computer Simulated Flight training Workshops, Tour of Aviation related businesses, and an exciting "Fly-Day" event, during which students navigate an aircraft from the pilot seat, receiving hand-on experience alongside certified flight instructors.
"The work we do on a daily basis motivates students to explore, engage, and eventually prepare for careers in aviation, aeronautics, and other STEM related industries. Equally important, Vision of Flight's programs address a national and global mandate to prepare highly qualified professionals that are able to assume high demand positions" says Michel McKenzie, Founder & CEO of Vision Of Flight.
For additional information regarding this Vision of Flight Workshop, or the upcoming Vision of Flight Youth Awareness Program coming to Atlanta in the spring of 2017, please contact Trox Austell, using the information provided below.
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Trox Austell
(321) 799-4022
Michael McKenzie
Vision of Flight